Wednesday 26 August 2015

Comic Relief: Journalist In A Mental Clinic

I once read of a woman who went undercover as a mad woman and got herself committed to a mental hospital so that she could observe the things that go on there first hand. I wonder if any journalist would be bold enough to do a thing like that today. Journalists may not want to go undercover in a crazy home, but I guess they wouldn't mind visiting for interviews, like the gentleman you are about to read about did.

At a Mental Hospital, a journalist asked the Doctor, "How do you determine whether to admit a patient or not?"

Doctor: "Well, we'd fill a bathtub with water and give the patient a teaspoon, a glass and a bucket. We then ask them to empty the bathtub. Depending on what they use to empty the bathtub, we would determine whether the patient was a normal person or whether to admit".

Journalist: "Oh! So obviously a normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger and it empties faster."

Doctor: "No! A normal person would pull the drain plug. Kindly go to bed No.38. We will start further investigations"

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