Saturday 22 August 2015

The 30 Life Rules Every Gentleman Should Live By

How would you describe a gentleman? Someone who is decently dressed, well mannered, cultured, humble, polite, and well educated, right? Well, a gentleman is all that and more! According to the gentleman's journal, these are the 30 life rules every gentleman should live by.

1. Never split the bill.

2. Don’t go after a friend’s wife or girlfriend.

3. Keep a secret when told in confidence.

4. Learn the craft of small talk.

5. Never cancel at the last minute – this is a sure fire way to not be invited back.

6. Never be late – unless carrying a worthy excuse. Maybe not even then.

7. Use failure as a spur to push forward.

8. Remember manners at all times – opening doors, giving up seats, walking kerbside, etc.

9. Be interested and interesting – be the man people want to be seated near at dinner parties.

10. Know your alcohol limits, and respect them.

11. Better to be loved and hated, rather than liked by all.

12. Avoid anger without reason – the tube strike is not one.

13. Never turn up to a party, friend’s house, or supper empty handed.

14. Know when to tip.

15. Buy your round of drinks when it comes, without having to be prompted.

16. Know when you’re wrong, and when to say sorry.

17. Understand that chivalry is NOT dead.

18. Say thank you, a lot. It goes a long way. And always send a thank you letter.

19. Leave your arrogance in your teens.

20. Give everyone a chance – if only a brief one.

21. Choose books over television.

22. Don’t crave being the centre of attention.

23. Take a risk every now and then, and break out of your comfort zone. Regret is a nasty thing.

24. Be spontaneous.

25. Learn to relax and let go – life’s too short to just commute, work, eat and sleep.

26. Confront boredom by making a change.

27. Be confident, but accept when you’re in need of help.

28. Take a compliment as well as you can give one.

29. Watch what you eat, take care of what you wear and have pride in how you conduct yourself.

30. Travel whenever possible.

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