Saturday 22 August 2015

Phone Etiquettes: The Do's and Don'ts Of Texting

Texting is such a big deal now that some countries have special 'text lanes'on their roads. Why call someone when you can just send a text or a whatsapp/bbm/facebook message? Voice calls are really going out of vogue, except for the free ones - like whatsapp, skype etc. despite the popularity of texting, some people haven't perfected the art of doing it right. Here are some texting do's and don'ts.


1. Read your text before hitting send. Do not rely on autocorrect, often times, it gets you wrong.

2. Send a text to a person you don't know before calling, it's a good way to introduce yourself before initiating the call.

3. Call your mum instead of texting, as much as you can. She's your mother! Voice communication best to her.

4. Keep it brief!

5. Write mails for official purposes as much as possible. Text messages are informal.

6. Check the recipient's number before you hit send.

7. Spell correctly.


1. Text bad news! Never text any kind of bad news - accidents, deaths, and definitely not a breakup message.

2. Text in the middle of important meetings, if you really need to, excuse yourself or do it discreetly.

3. Use emoticons or emojis while doing formal texts, for example, texts to your boss, doctor, etc

4. Carry out long text duration texting, particularly chatting to someone when you are in the company of someone else. It's unfair to the person with you.

5. send texts written all in caps lock. It makes it seem like you are shouting, plus, it's difficult to read.

6. Text while driving or operating any form of machine that could is potentially dangerous if you are distracted.

7. Use 'lol' more than you have to, for example, 'traffic is horrible tonight, lol'. Really? 'lol' at that?!

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