Wednesday, 30 September 2015

This Is A Sure Way To Remove Rust From Just About Anything!

How does rust even happen? I mean what causes rust really? One day, you get new and shiny metal stuff that make happy, before you know what's happening, they are all rusty! Ok, I know it's a mix of moisture and air that causes metal to rust, it's just that I still get surprised at how quickly rust seems to sneak up on stuff. Well, it so happened that my mum started noticing that a lot of the metal spoon and mug hangers among other things in her kitchen were getting rusty. She was quite upset about it and was already talking about replacing stuff. So, trust your's truly, I did some asking around for her and it turned out we had a solution to the rust problem right in our kitchen! So mum cautiously tried out my proposed solution on one rusty mug hanger, the results were so good that she is repeating the process on almost everything in sight (even those that are not exactly rusty!)

Ok, I'll stop the small talk and share the secret right away!

I found quite a number of ways to fix rust including using lemons, limes, baking soda and even electricity! However, I'm going to talk about the one method we tried that worked perfectly and that method is to use white vinegar! I knew white vinegar is very useful, I just hadn't realized it could cure rust too until we tried it.

All we did was to add equal parts of white vinegar and water and soak the rusty item in the solution for two days. All that was done after bringing it out was to gently rub with a soft sponge and all the rust came off like magic! I think this method is one of the simplest rust removal methods. Please, do not waste money on any of those rust removal sprays. They probably work, but there are cheaper and more natural ways of achieving the same goal.

So, that's it!

Cover image via

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