Wednesday, 30 September 2015

7 Home Remedies That Work As Well As Drugs

Sometimes for minor health issues, you just don't want to load your system with the chemicals in drugs - you can save that for when it's really important. At those times, what you need are the natural, home remedies that work just as well as drugs. They may not work quite as fast, but they sure work well. Apart from avoiding popping pills, you'll probably also save money by using these home remedies.

1. Ginger For Cold And Flu

The common problem of cold and flu can be treated with ginger. Add ginger to water and boil for some time. Consume the drink and eat ginger pieces. It will help in curing cough, cold and flu.

2. Steam Inhalation For Congestion

Steam inhalation helps in curing congested nose and sinuses. Put boiling water in a vessel. Cover the head with a towel. Bend over the vessel and inhale steam arising from it. Adding eucalyptus oil to water will give further relief.

3. Onion For Earache

Earache is an irritating problem for many people especially the kids. Onion can help in curing this problem. Extract juice from boiled onions. Put the juice in ear while it is still lukewarm. It will help in curing infection in ear canal. Use only two drops juice at a time.

4. Salt Water For Sore Throat

Salt water gargling is an old and tested remedy for treating the problem of sore throat. You should do gargling with salt water. Ensure that the water you use is warm and not cold. This remedy will help in curing throat pain and swelling.

5. Banana For Acidity

Banana is a healthy fruit that can cure acidity. It contains high amounts of potassium, which controls excess acid thus giving relief in the problem of acidity. The fruit improves digestion and increases stomach mucus, which prevents acidity.

6. Listerine For Blisters

It is possible to cure blisters by using the common mouthwash Listerine. The mouthwash has antiseptic properties, which helps in healing boils and pus filled blisters. Dip cotton in Listerine. Apply on affected areas thrice daily. The blister will become dry due to this.

7. Sugar For Hiccups

Hiccups can be treated quite well with sugar granules. We get hiccups when the diaphragm has continuous contractions. Eat one spoon sugar when you get hiccups. It will calm the nerves and stop diaphragm contractions, which makes the hiccups to end.

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