Friday 25 September 2015

Working From Home: The Pros And The Cons

Working from home has become more popular in recent times. Thanks to the internet, more and more job descriptions allow for the jobs to be done from remote locations, prefarably home. More and more people now have the option to work from home, but it's not as easy as you think. Working from home has got it's own pros and cons and you have to underatand both sides of the coin.

Lets begin with the pros:

1. Flexibility: This is the most obvious advantage, you can organize your time however you want, provided you are getting the job done as at when due. The flexibilty applies not only to your time (you could decide to work from 6am to 2pm), but also to your work space design, food etc.

2. Eliminates Long Commute: working at home means you don't have to jump on the road and head all the way to the office when everyone else is. What this means is that you can also avoid peak hour traffic and eliminate the cost of transportation.

3. Less stress and better health: the pressure you feel is way less when work from home, you can relax a bit more and of course, your health will thank you for it. You also have a better work/life balance plus more family time.

So, those are sime of the things you gain by working from home, now, to the not so good part: 

1. You work in isolation: working from home means you don't get to compare notes or exchange ideas with colleagues as easily as if you were in the same space. It means you are out of the loop, no lunch time chats and the like.

2. Distractions: almost anything can distract you when you work from ho,e - your neighbour's noisy kids, wanting to do household chores like laundry, interruptions from family members, using social media..., the list is almost endless.

3. Work never ends: you can't leave your work in the office, it's always with you. Even when you go out, you probably carry it with you, it's sometimes difficult to draw the line between work and home.

4. You will need very high daily doses of self discipline and self motivation. If not, what's to stop you from seeing a movie or taking a quick nap when you are supposed to be working?

Even with all that said, working from home is still a good idea. Most people who work from home say that the pros outweigh the cons. After doing it for a while, you'll get a firm grip on how to work at home and still be very productive. You must however lay the ground rules: 

If more people work from home, imagine how open our roads will finally be on Monday mornings!

Cover image via

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