Sunday 2 August 2015

Have You Ever Wondered About How To Make Yourself Photogenic? (Because You Can!)

Wanna look photoshopped without Photoshop?

You know how some people always effortlessly look amazing and flawless in just about almost every photo they appear in? That's what's called being photogenic and although it doesn't naturally come to all of us, there are ways to make oneself a bit more photogenic. In these times when we all want to keep taking photos to share, I think it's nice to be photogenic (so you can avoid having to take 10 - 15 shots all the time before getting 1 perfect one - like me).

These are 13 excellent tips and tricks to becoming quite the photo and selfie queen/king yourself. Enjoy:

1. If you tend to blink in photos, close your eyes just before the picture is taken and open them slowly before the camera clicks. No more half-closed eyes!

2. To avoid a double chin, elongate your neck and push your face forward a bit. Think of sticking out your forehead and tipping your chin slightly down. It might feel awkward, but it will look great — promise.

3. If you wear makeup, then make sure it's a perfect match, according to a celebrity makeup artist: “When a foundation is too pale for your skin tone, it becomes very obvious when a flash hits the skin. Match your skin to your chest and add a thin layer to your neck if your neck is paler (as is the case for most people).”

4. Take a look at your favorite pictures of yourself and try to spot a pattern. Do you like the way you look from a certain angle? When you smile a specific way? Try to replicate your best poses next time you have your photo taken.

5. Try this old school red carpet trick: Put your tongue behind your teeth when you smile to avoid a goofy, too-wide grin.

6. Look toward a light right before someone snaps your photo. Doing so will shrink your pupils and help you avoid red eye.

7. A couple drops of Visine will help your eyes look brighter and more awake.

8. Think about angles. Facing the camera straight on is rarely flattering; instead, turn your head to a three-quarter position to give your features depth.

9. Try the “red carpet” pose: put your hand on your hip, angle your body to the side and turn your head towards the camera. It’s a cliché, but it really does work to help you look slimmer.

10. A photo shot from just above you is way more flattering than one shot from below. If you’re taller than the person holding the camera, grab a seat.

11. Avoid standing directly under a light, which can cast weird shadows on your face. Instead, stand facing a natural light source, such as a window, or in a spot where soft light hits your face from the side.

12. To make your eyes sparkle, look at a light source. A lamp or brightly lit Christmas tree will create a flattering gleam in your pupils.

13. Forget saying “cheese,” and instead think of something funny. Better yet, joke with the photographer. A natural smile trumps a fake one every time.

14. On a final note, please and please, if the 'duck face' does not work for you, kindly avoid it!

Cover image via Blingingbeauty

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